baking spree
1st time i've eva baked so many things in a wk. hahaha! it sure is fun but the washing up part is...argh. the best part is giving it to my deardear. LOLS.
gingerbread man cookies
chocolate chip cookies (its juz the dough la! moulded by hand ok! nice rite!)
thanks deardear for saying its the best pizza u eva had. LOLS! i'll make more for u de. hahaha!
i super dread the coming of nx yr. cuz its sch again. haiz. no dats not the worse part. i havta contribute to "family fund". its not a lot but still! haiz. hope for pay rise then. nx yr is not going to b an easy yr lor! haiz...
dug up my diaries. i've written the most hilarious things in my life. LOLS. forgot so much of them but well..lucky got hardcopy. hahaha! i feel like burning it now though..hahaha! i think i really should. hahaha!
xmas was nice! went to spageddies wif my deardear. we had too much. hahaha! super full la! wa the 5 cheese pizza!! orchard road SO MANY PPL AH. tsktsktsk. but still thanks deardear! for everything! hahaha =) muamuackx!
~cross fingers n toes for a better yr or
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