my life full of difficult decisions to make..SO difficult
does 4eva eva ends? how i wish ur a man of ur words..but our 4eva seems so blur..the things we talked bout last night really got me thinking again..not much this mind is so clouded i duno wad is there..only time can tell..well..i told ms.v 2dae is a new day muz b happy..hahaha..hmm..i duno whether to take that programming thing still!!! haiz~ muz decide by the 12th le..budden i still duno..ok..reasons i wan to take 1)extra cert, since nowadays ppl like to see black n white certs so much i can give them an xtra one..2)mayb can use in future work..3)future boss got 0.000001% higher chance to hire me instead of others holding same diploma..4)test my stress level..see how much i can take till i break..5)to feel wad its like to leave home at 7.30am n get home at 11pm..they sae they work v stress..try MY sch hrs..ok..reasons i dun wan to take..1)i scared too stress..hahahaha..contridict myself..2)more time to slack..sae hao ting yi dian..can concentrate on other modules..3)less examssss..less projects....less hw..not like i got do..budden..lesss is more..hahaha..4)still got piano lessons..wad if need to take diploma?! how juggle..5)im SOOO bad at time management..ok..wad else..argh..i would like to convince myself to take..but inside me i really dun wan to QUESTION MARK..last month's electricity bill was 200+..gosh..its all on from since i wake up till i go to bed..same wif my com..n now my mama's laptop..sooooo..hmmm..tell me now..isit better for me to go out the whole dae?? or stuck at home the whole dae...its CHEAPER for me to stay out right...den!??! zhen shi de..still ask me dun go out everydae..even if i wan..theres nobody for me to go out wif ANIMORE..ya..there is actually..but their either working..out wif family members..or juz totally ignoring my presence..aniwaes..haiz~ bored..go watch tv..hahaha=
~what will it b like now if i didnt sae anithing..dats right! i'd b wif u now! but i im not..hmm~
~what will it b like now if i didnt sae anithing..dats right! i'd b wif u now! but i im not..hmm~
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