im not SAA..SAU!
juz came back from doc. this post gonna b plan n simple. juz ate med, dun feel like decorating anithing. hahaha.
papa wans me to move com out of my room. NO!!! haiz~ sianz...
for peeps out there trying to match make me wif guys ar, im SINGLE, but UNAVAILABLE, at least for a while. not despo either lor hor. need time to get things 2gether ya? gluing back pieces of my heart, stitching them back n place. though its somehow sad, but dun worrie, i got Ali wif me. hahaha! n im not mad k! i wif Ali b4 i was wif mr.b, Ali was dumped by me for 1yr 10mnths 9days, now i take Ali back. =) so no more jingle on rudolf n stuffs liao le hor. hahaha!
things dat make me sad:
1) readers digest - can a man and a woman ever just be friends? for a short time perhaps. making the friendship last requires that you find each other at least vaguely repulsive. good luck! (in may issue 2006)
- the last chapter. after 60 years of tempestuous marriage, her parents found they needed each other (also in may issue 2006) very romantic! haiz~ reminds me of my dreams of holding my hubbie's hand walking on the streets when im 80. my biggest dream.
2) bus and train rides
3) loving couples. at least there r ppl who r happily in love. so sweet, budden reminds me of last time.
4) korean drama. many r reallly REALLY romantic la! i watched the young bride, the 18 year old one, the guy gave her the "belated" wedding ring, see them put it on for each other, wa i cry like waterfall. LOL
not sure if theres animore. hahaha! am indeed a walking auto fountain, start without warning de. aching all over, miss the feeling of muscle aches. hahaha! love the feeling, budden im still fat. sux
hmm..duno wad else there is to sae le..tatas! muz do hw le. *SIGH*
~dang wo xu yao yong bao de shi hou, wo zhong xi wang ni zai zhe li~
papa wans me to move com out of my room. NO!!! haiz~ sianz...
for peeps out there trying to match make me wif guys ar, im SINGLE, but UNAVAILABLE, at least for a while. not despo either lor hor. need time to get things 2gether ya? gluing back pieces of my heart, stitching them back n place. though its somehow sad, but dun worrie, i got Ali wif me. hahaha! n im not mad k! i wif Ali b4 i was wif mr.b, Ali was dumped by me for 1yr 10mnths 9days, now i take Ali back. =) so no more jingle on rudolf n stuffs liao le hor. hahaha!
things dat make me sad:
1) readers digest - can a man and a woman ever just be friends? for a short time perhaps. making the friendship last requires that you find each other at least vaguely repulsive. good luck! (in may issue 2006)
- the last chapter. after 60 years of tempestuous marriage, her parents found they needed each other (also in may issue 2006) very romantic! haiz~ reminds me of my dreams of holding my hubbie's hand walking on the streets when im 80. my biggest dream.
2) bus and train rides
3) loving couples. at least there r ppl who r happily in love. so sweet, budden reminds me of last time.
4) korean drama. many r reallly REALLY romantic la! i watched the young bride, the 18 year old one, the guy gave her the "belated" wedding ring, see them put it on for each other, wa i cry like waterfall. LOL
not sure if theres animore. hahaha! am indeed a walking auto fountain, start without warning de. aching all over, miss the feeling of muscle aches. hahaha! love the feeling, budden im still fat. sux
hmm..duno wad else there is to sae le..tatas! muz do hw le. *SIGH*
~dang wo xu yao yong bao de shi hou, wo zhong xi wang ni zai zhe li~
At 10:53 AM ,
Cheerful said...
Rudolf the red nose reindeer... JINGLE BELL JINGLE BELL JINGLE ALL THE WAYYY !!!! hahahaahahahah jk la..
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