the number two (2)
From Readers' Digest November 2006 issue.
Birth order, it seems, can determine personality traits. First-time parents have high expectations and bring out traits like confidence, leadership and determination in first-born children. Family dynamics change with every addition. Middle Child Syndrome (this is sadly, MY situation) is real for kids sandwiched between a confident older sibling and the family baby. They may need extra parental attention to avoid feeling resentful. The youngest child tends to be the most affectionate, and savvier, with older siblings to show the way. They're also known to get away with most things, something all older siblings can attest to.
Next, we shall talk bout relationships. Also from the same issue i shall present:
The Formula for Staying Together
Next time you have an argument with your partner and you can't reach an easy conclusion, agree to disagree and move on. Apparently you'll have a better chance of staying together in the long term. According to Sydney University mathematician Dr Clio Cresswell, couples who compromise the least usually stay together the longest. She says that a conversation between a couple will always be bursting with patterns, just like in mathematics.
"Studying newlyweds' conversations revealed a similarity in the equations of the couples that were still together six years down the track." Mathematics is showing that those who stand their ground in those early disputes will have a better outcome.
Also included, is something very interesting TO ME. Everyone noes that not smoking and not being exposed to any smoke is the only real healthy habit. But YET, there r countless ppl still picking up smoking n stuffs. I dun understand the concept. We are all given LIFE, n yet they dun treasure it. Appreciate wad ur mama been through at least! PARENTS, some of whom do smoke, dun try telling ur children not to pick up smoking, cuz u should QUIT it. So, some ppl, thinking normal cigarettes r more harmful compared to those labelled "Light" or "Mild". In fact, the nicotine levels in "light" are 5% higher than regular sticks and reduced in only 4 out of 44 toxins. My conclusion: Just quit smoking, it wun do u ani harm. LITERALLY.
*<:0) ===> a clown. CUTE RITE. hahaha!
Yeah yeah! one more thing. Want to be an organ donor? The most precious gift is YOURS to give. Well, if one dae, should something bad happen to us (TOUCH WOOD), n we cant wake up again(TOUCH WOOD AGAIN) but we hav perfectly fine organs, we wouldn't need them animore rite? considering we wun rise from the dead. So y not donate to those whose life depends on it. Imagine a 10 year old kid wif severe kidney failure, giving away ur kidney(when u REALLY dun need to process ur pee wif animore), can help extend that kid's life for mayb up till an old ripe age. Wouldn't dat b gd?? To be an organ donor, just go get this month's issue of Readers' Digest. There r 2 donor cards inside. We get to choose wad organs we want to donate, write our name n sign and inform our family, friends, declare wish on driver's license and will, and put the card in our wallets. Simple as dat. Im sure we've all done something meaningful in our life SO FAR, i guess, lets do something VERY MEANINGFUL and UNSELFISH from our graves, er, which would be just another 100 years time. =D
i should go get commission from Reader's Digest.
Hav predicted. Nx month, i'll b real REAL broke. but once again, wads new. HAIZ~